Jayco Australia's Cool Confidence

Jayco Australia continues to install the Sirocco II caravan fan in their range and deems it "the perfect inclusion in our RVs."
Australia, the caravanning capital of the world, has over 160 manufacturers. But one name always stands out. Jayco Australia is synonymous with caravanning down under. You can't turn around at an Aussie campground without seeing one, and with years of experience and thousands of happy customers, it’s no wonder they’re so prevalent on Australian roads.
Photo credit: Jayco Australia (Conquest)
Of course, you don’t get to number one by manufacturing a sub-par product, and Jayco is a company that puts quality first. Lucky for us, in keeping with their mission to provide the best, they’ve chosen Sirocco II fans from SEEKR by Caframo as their go-to option for cooling comfort. In fact, most models come with Sirocco II’s pre-installed so that there are fans over the beds in the RV and fans in the RV's living areas. See a full list of Jayco Australia's models with Sirocco II’s here.
Photo credit: Jayco Australia
We’ve become close with Jayco’s awesome team over the past couple of years. They’ve even been so kind as to write a little testimonial which we can happily share with customers. It’s like if we were the neighborhood babysitter, we’ve secured a reference letter from the mom up the road with 12 kids. We think that beyond any doubt, a note like this from Jayco instills trust in Sirocco’s performance and ability to make any Aussie caravan trip more comfortable. Anyway, here it is:
“Sirocco fans are extremely light, energy efficient, and made with a high standard of quality. They give our customers the option for multiple speeds, a unique gimbal design, 360-degree directional airflow, 4 timer settings, and an ultra-quiet operation, making them the perfect inclusion in our RVs.”
Furthermore, because the Jayco team is always customer-focused with unbeatable attention to detail, they provide video for customers to ensure nothing is missed and every function – no matter its complexity – has details for users to find online. Check out Jayco Australia’s Sirocco II video below!
Join the Jayco community on Facebook to stay in touch with this legendary RV brand and if you want more info about their RVs and what comes inside – a full list of articles featuring Sirocco II can be found on their website!
Looking to outfit your rig with Sirocco II fans for caravan trips in Australia? Talk to your local Jayco dealer or check out our full list of Sirocco II stockists here!