Ecofan to Spin for 6 More Weeks at Least

Despite what the Groundhog Says, Keep Your Ecofan Ready
If you’re a fan of Ecofan, you likely know that we manufacture our fans in beautiful Wiarton, Ontario, on the sunny shores of Georgian Bay. Wiarton maybe a small town, but every February we get a big boost of national exposure. Wiarton Willie is arguably the most famous groundhog in the country and as such, is responsible for making the legendary prediction: Early spring or six more weeks of winter.
Here's the thing: Six weeks from groundhog-day (February 2nd) only puts us in the middle of March. As any patriotic Canadian knows, that’s not springtime nomatter how you look at it. So, early spring? Earlier than mid-March?? Seems unlikely. And yet, when Wiarton Willie, Punxsutawney Phil, and the greater portion of other famous furies DID NOT see their shadow this past February 2nd, people across North America rejoiced in the hope of early spring.
Image Credit: The Weather Network
If you heat with wood, you probably have a spring woodstove ritual. Sweep and inspect the flue, lubricate as needed, maybe cap the flue to keep potential nesting critters away. And you probably store your Ecofan in a safe space too, keeping it in prime condition so it will spin for seasons to come. All of these things however, mean you don’t plan on having another burn until the cold weather returns. Despite what your hopes and dreams are when it comes to spring’s arrival, if you’re like us, you enjoy a cozy evening while the chill lingers and, let’s be real, we’re a while off from balmy summer nights.
Willy and Phil might be ready for spring, but they have a thick layer of fat and fur to keep them toasty-warm. For you, we recommend keeping your Ecofan atop your stove for a at least a couple months more. Sorry! We’re just being true to our Canadian heritage. Sorry again