How to Fight Cold Feet

Feel Like a Winner at Work with a Space Heater for Your Desk
Disclaimer: Image is not a picture taken at Caframo’s offices. Caframo does not endorse burning candles in the office (unless it’s a JOI tea light candle in a JOI Lamp). We also do not endorse cacti in the office. We also don’t think paperwork should be so overwhelmingly stacked up. And of course, we don’t keep the office so cold as to make our employees want to wear a winter hat indoors. We do endorse funny stock photos and lengthy disclaimers to clear up any misconceptions they may lead to.
READ ON for the real blog.
If you live and work in Canada like we do, you’re likely embracing a real sign of the start of winter: cold feet. All. Day. Long. But, like all Canadians, you’re accepting of the fact that this is just the way you’re going to feel until sometime in May. Or more likely June. Probably by July.
Caframo’s offices aren’t particularly cold or warm. In fact, our environmental committee is probably happy with our conservative “Canadian thermostat setting.” Plus, every new employee is given a sweet fleece vest embroidered with the company logo and their name. That said, we are located on the shores of beautiful Lake Huron and as such, the wind whips cold, damp air at our building with fierce intent.
Production employees can get away with thick wool socks under their safety boots if they wish and being on their feet all day is sure to keep them toasty. But there are office personnel here too. “Desk jockeys,” if you will. And if you’ve ever sat at a desk for any length of time, you know that even if you wear wool socks every day through the winter months, your feet will still get cold. Needless to say, desk jockeys need a little extra help to stay warm.
Caframo’s True North Heater has been around for decades. It’s a tried-and-true heater with a lot of love from its many users. Just jump on Amazon and read some reviews to get the gist that it’s a top-quality space heater backed by Canadian engineering and manufacturing.
You’ll also note a lot of people love the True North because it’s a small space heater. The True North has a low profile and space heater with a slim design – making it a great heater to put under a desk. For its size, it BLASTS warm air. In fact, if you’re an owner, you know how infrequently you’ll turn the dial past the first speed setting to fill a room with warm air.
It’s hard to concentrate on work if you’re uncomfortable. So, truly, the True North Heater is a comfort solution when it comes to the office. It’s a great heater for a small space and is as unobtrusive as a heater can be. Plus, it’s a rugged heater with a strong metallic casing. It’s a little weighty which, in a space heater, is something that we think inspires confidence in craftsmanship (and according to reviews we’re right).
So, forget struggling to concentrate while your toes tingle with cold. If you’re a desk jokey in Canada, plug in a True North heater under your desk this winter and make your 9-5 more comfortable!
Do you have a heater under your desk or another solution for keeping warm in the office? Let us know about it in the comments.
Check out the True North here.