In Lieu of Trade Shows...

Normally, this is the time of year you can find our sales team on the road, attending tradeshows and talking to dealers about our product lineup for the coming fall. We were all taken aback when the decision was made not to travel this spring. Of course, we quickly realized this was the correct decision to make and we're thankful our corporate leaders and HR department took the necessary steps to keep Caframo's staff safe.
Caframo’s sales team holds a huge amount of affection for our products. Probably because everyone at Caframo – sales, marketing, corporate, engineering and production – work in the same building and as such, see all facets of a product come to life. Before we began working from home, we thought it was important to capture our sales team doing what they do best: explaining our products in detail to help bring them to life.
We hope to be back on the road soon but until then, enjoy these quick videos to accompany the products you would have seen at tradeshows throughout the coming weeks.
Ecofan lineup
JOI Lamp
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