The Nomad Lifestyle

They ain’t called the “Golden Years” for nothing! Here are the top 8 reasons why you'll get more out of traveling as a mature adult.
1. Appreciation, appreciation, appreciation
The older we get; the faster time seems to roll by. With a better grasp on what’s important in life, and a stronger sense of time’s fleeting nature, we appreciate good experiences more noticeably. Which is a good feeling, isn’t it? To be humble and thankful for the time we get to spend doing and seeing new things is a wonderful effect of maturing.
2. Pace
Time limits, deadlines, and running around like a headless chook are for the young. Moving faster doesn’t mean getting more out of being on the road, so take a load off. There’s an art to going slow and, further, to making peace with going slow, knowing that you aren’t missing out. . Slowing down and being present is a gift that comes easier with age and fits perfectly with caravan life.
3. Knowing what you need… and don’t
Part of why Grey Nomads is such a popular movement is the community’s common realisation that life can be pared-down without giving up life’s comforts. Sure enough, there may be things we can’t be without – a back pillow, a cold frothy, or a beautiful sunset, for example – but there are many things that can be painlessly cast aside to make room for what matters. The more we mature, the more we come to know this.
4. Priorities are in-check
We’ve all made decisions in life that we look back on and cringe. If only you’d got your priorities straight. Yet, here we are. We’ve matured. We know now what our priorities are now and can make travel plans around them without hesitation.
5. Keeps perspectives fresh
We all had that one relative growing up: the old fart that was so stuck in their ways and beliefs that any new ideas or outlooks rubbed them the wrong way. The world is changing quickly and the fastest way to earn yourself the “old fart” label is to get stuck in tired, stubborn ways of thinking. Being on the road, meeting new people and adopting fresh ideas – that’s the ticket to staying young.
6. Purpose
When the day-to-day grind oceases, lots of us are left with a feeling of emptiness. Turning a blind eye to these feelings can lead to a lot of negative emotions. Hitting the road and journeying towards a new destination will undoubtedly fill your days with a sense of purpose and before you know it, those negative feelings will wash away.
7. Opportunity for growth
Oh, you thought you were all done growing? Never! In fact, hitting the road will undoubtedly challenge you. And you know what challenges lead to, right? Growth! There’s a lot to learn out on the road, and no better way to realize how much further you can go than to get started!
8. New stories to tell
If you’ve got kids or grandkids, chances are they’re sick of hearing you repeat the same old yarns. Being on the road will supply you with an abundance of new stories. The next time you hang out with family they will all gather round, eyes wide and full of attention, captivated while you reminisce over your adventures on the road.
9. Road life is a healthy life
In the documentary, Grey Nomads Australia, one of the subjects illustrates her many health improvements since becoming a nomad and boasts that she now goes to the doctor much less. With all that time spent sitting around, she believes her ailments had a way of seeming worse than they really were. Since hitting the road, she feels better, healthier, and has a more positive outlook on life
10. New friends
Caravan parks are great places to meet new buds. The people you meet will likely have a similar outlook on life and definitely have some awesome stories to tell . Meeting fellow caravanners also means you’ll get to share tips for living on the road and gain new ideas about how to enhance your nomadic adventure!