New Year’s Resolutions for VanLifers and RV Enthusiasts

Whether you’re a grey nomad with nothing but free time, or a family with a van awaiting long weekends and holidays, it’s likely you’ve been looking ahead to the new year long before it began. The world hasn’t been awesome for travelers over the last couple of years, but, you know, fingers crossed! Hopefully everything you want from life on the road is available and accessible to you in 2022.
What plans have you made to enhance your experience when you do hit the road this year, and what traveling goals would you like to accomplish before 2023? Below, we’ve gathered a few best practices for life in a caravan that others have considered important to make their travels the best they can be.
- Minimise and Thrive
We talk a lot about minimalism because it’s important when living in a small space and because we thought a lot about it when developing the Sirocco II. The fold-away design was one of the earliest considerations for the fan since mariners are as tight for space as van-lifers – sometimes much more so! But, further to the Sirocco II, consider paring down the possessions you bring along on your trip. If you didn’t use it in 2021, does it still need to be aboard in 2022?
- Keep it Limber
Long days on the road can take their toll, especially if you don’t take the time for all-important breaks. If you’ve decided a long trip is for you, there’s no reason not to include scheduled stretch stops and evening wind-down routines that include some solid exercises to keep your body limber and less injury prone. Go-RVing has collected a few of the most important exercises for long road trips, and Offbeat Yoga even has a few you can do right in the driver’s seat.
- Read and Write More
Reading and writing more are common resolutions, but as Kaylee alludes to on her blog, The Vanimals, creating a habit of reading just a little bit each day will birth a love for it and an increase in time spent with good books. Consistency is key, but so is knowing what will capture and inspire you. Kaylee recommends picking books about the places you’re traveling as a start.
When it comes to writing, journaling is something many people aspire to, yet few keep up with it. To stay motivated, remember that it will be a cherished thing to be able to look back on your travels in the years ahead; writing even just a little can prove worthwhile. Why not keep a journal close at hand and start with a couple of points per day? You might find it quickly becomes a part of your routine and less of a task.
Image credit: Big Oz Explorers
- Don’t Say No, Just Go!
You’ll be presented with a lot of opportunities while you’re on the road. The new friends you’ll meet along the way will often have cool suggestions up their sleeve for you to check out. Why not say yes more in 2022? Hopefully the pandemic winds down more this year and things are more accessible, making it easier to do and see new things. Now that you know what it’s like when opportunities aren’t there, don’t you feel like you should take the time to experience all the things life throws at you when you can?
Image credit: Living Simple Van
- Learn a Little (and Then a Little More)
A big goal for caravanners should always be to improve their knowledge of their own rig. Even little things can save you big dollars, and it can even get you out of a jam. There are hundreds of forums bursting with tidbits of knowledge that can save you money and trouble. Just do your research and don’t be afraid to ask for help along the way!
We wish you the best for your travels in 2022 and hope you’ll connect with us @SEEKRlife on IG!