Stay Cool, Calm and Caravan On: Tips to Beat the Heat!

Photo Credit: Trip In a Van
Summer is one of the most spectacular times of year to travel: the skies are clear, the water is warm, and the bush is alive. The heat can be your friend, but if you aren’t prepared, it can be fearsome.
Here are a few tips and tricks to summer-proof your caravan and stay cool this season!
DO: Reflect those rays!
The first line of defence against the sun: don’t invite it in in the first place. Depending on your rig you could improve your situation with reflective paint, sunshades for the dash, or dark blinds or shutters.
Photo Credit: Trip in a van
DO: Seek cover
When it comes time to stretch your legs, find somewhere that offers you and your vehicle some shade. If you can’t find a tree or undercover park, an awning to sit under is a must.
DO: Insulate
Insulation doesn’t just keep you warm in winter, it keeps you cool in summer by preventing heat from getting into your caravan. These days, most new caravans come with it inbuilt, but if you have an older model or are updating your rig, you should consider upgrading your insulation.
DO: Fan it up
Aircon is fantastic for keeping cool, but it is also a major drain on power and resources. A more sustainable and portable option is a fan. The Sirocco II by SEEKR has a unique gimballed design that allows complete 360° airflow and has an ultra-quiet, long-life motor with a low power draw. It’s the ideal companion while cooking, playing cards, or trying to catch some Zs.
Photo credit: Big Oz Explorers
DO: Camp by water
Not only are beaches, lakes, and rivers picturesque but they’re also cool - as a rule of thumb, temperatures are generally a few degrees cooler by water. And if all other cooling efforts fail, you can go for a dip!
Photo credit: Big Oz Explorers
DON’T: Light up
Not all lights are built equally: Halogen and incandescent lights tend to give off a lot of heat. To stay cool, turn off any unnecessary light sources and opt for fluorescent or LED lighting. We recommend the JOI Candle Powered LED Lamp. This lamp is portable and uses thermoelectric technology to transform the heat from one small tea candle to power eight LEDs.
DON’T: Get stuffy
Encourage airflow and ventilation by opening windows and hatches where possible. Pair this method with a fan for ultimate relief.
Photo Credit: @living.simple_van
DON’T: Cook inside
Everyone’s gotta eat - but nothing gets the RV hotter than cooking inside. If you can, cook outside using portable stovetops, kitchen setups, a BBQ, or a fire.
Photo credit: @tripinavan
Have more tips? Share them with us in the comments or follow us on Instagram!